
We have many opportunities for the study of God's Word! 

Wednesday Mornings at 10am

This daytime group is led by Pastor Castens and meets in the Family Life Center every week. They are currently in the book of Revelation. 

Wednesday Evenings at 6pm

Beginning in September, this Adult Bible Study group will be led by Pastor Bowder in the Family Life Center.

IDOT (Immanuel's Daughters of Truth)

This Ladies Bible study meets at the home of one of our members on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 5:30pm.  They enjoy a meal together and then begin bible study from 6-7pm.  If there is a 5th Thursday, then they enjoy fellowship at a local restaurant. If you are interested in attending, please contact the church office. 

Priscilla Circle

Priscilla Circle is a group of women who have agreed to meet once each month for the purpose of bible study from the LWML Women’s Quarterly. In addition to the study, there is wonderful fellowship and exchange of thoughts, hopes, plans and prayer requests. It’s called a circle because we usually sit around a table in a circle, (or oval, square or rectangle) and go around reading the bible verses or questions. We are a circle of friends. Priscilla circle is held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 9:30 in the morning. The hostess may provide light refreshments if she wishes.

Youth Bible Study

 This Bible study group for middle and high school age youths meets every Wednesday at 7:30pm in the Family Life Center and is led by Paul and Joanne Waltman. However, times can vary based on youth and leader's schedules. If you are interested in attending, please contact the church office to get on the group text.  They are currently studying Isaiah.

